25 September

Announcement for prequalification of companies supplying CAT Generators type (C-13) with a capacity of (400KV)

Zueitina Oil Company announces an invitation to participate in the pre-qualification of companies, contractors and manufacturers who have valid legal licenses and proven experience in the field of manufacturing and supplying such generators.

  • Summary :

Purchase of (6) CAT Generators type (C-13) with a capacity of (400KV) working on the electrical system (480V/60HZ) made with specifications that can withstand desert conditions in terms of high temperatures (50 degrees Celsius) and dust.

All national and foreign companies registered in Libya specialized in this field, holding the necessary licenses that enable them to practice the activity, and who have established themselves in the ability, competence, and experience to manufacture and supply such generators and wish to participate in this tender, must submit the following document:

  1. an official letter addressed to the Bid Committee Coordinator, indicating the desire to participate in the bid.
  2. Provide the main address, branches, phone numbers and e-mail.
  3. Submit a copy of the company's technical file includes a list of similar supply that have been completed in the past years, and a statement of partnership or cooperation in the field of manufacturing or supplying these generators with the manufacturer.
  4. Submit a copy of the legal file includes the following documents:

((Minutes of the company's founding meeting.+The company's articles of association - the type of activity matches the nature of the project to be implemented.+The company's founding contract.+valid License to practice the activity. +A recent official extract from the commercial register. +valid Certificate of proof of registration in the Chamber of Commerce +valid Certificate of proof of tax payment.))

  • The above requirement must be submitted not later than 13\10\2022 in sealed envelope(s) to: Bids Committee Coordinator at ,Sixth Floor, Main Building

Sidi Issa Street,P. O. Box 2134,Tripoli, Libya.

The pre- qualification request is not an invitation to tender

       Zueitina Oil Company shall deal only with authorized officers .

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