
Gas Transfer Project 103 Intisar Field to a Coastal Network.

In the context of seeking the National Oil Corporation to raise the levels of production and the development of performance and maintain Nzivh¡ Environment has proposed the implementation of several projects dubbed increase capacity Alantegeh¡ projects and conducted initial studies and feasibility studies and monitored the budgets to initiate the implementation of this Almcharaa¡ institution of national oil companies and entrusted to contribute to the drawing strategies, plans and supervise the implementation of these projects and the establishment in accordance with the latest technology, technical standards and regulations applicable worldwide safety.
The victory gas field 103 a transfer to a coastal network to increase the production capacity, which was entrusted by the National Oil Corporation Company Zueitina oil for follow-up and supervision of the projects the project.
This project aims to coastal network to provide large quantities of natural gas, according to the applicable specifications (Tkdrbhawwala 1500 million / day standard cubic feet) ¡where it contributes to the provision of clean energy sources and more efficient and through the heavy fuel oil currently used for industrial complexes and production units and plants generate converter electrical power to the Libyan coast to fuel gas.


This project aims to Ngdah coastal network quantities of gas estimated at a record 250 million / day cubic feet stage Ooly¡ Upon completion of the implementation of all stages Alanchaiah¡ amount of gas up to about 1,500 million cubic feet Standard / day.

Stages of implementation: The project is implemented in two phases:
The first stage:

D gas pipeline:
Carrying natural gas through a tube diameter of 42 inches and an envelope internally and externally and a length of 207 kilometers of almost 103 field A to Brega on the coast was also equipped with valves to isolate as well as chapter valves in cases Ataiwaria.
The system will be implemented and surveillance and communication using Hadith¡ technique and it extended fiber-optic cable along the gas pipeline.
Designs, engineering, topographic survey and geotechnical survey to identify the nature of the land and also to choose the appropriate path gas pipeline was completed and started construction works where the percentage of the overall achievement of the project 85%.

The second phase :
1. installation and operation of handling and pressing systems include the following:
A) To reduce the pressure, measurement and technical systems.
B) CabSat gas will be Kabestan gas in the first phase and amplitude each Kabsh gas 300 million standard cubic feet / Aleom¡ and will reach the total number of CabSat gas upon completion of all stages 6 CabSat.
C) surveillance system and fire protection system and communication control systems.

2. Brega Station include:
A) To reduce the pressure, measurement and technical systems.
B) heating units.
C) monitoring and protection system of fire control systems.
Contact the coastal network and are connected through the points of the first to feed the branch network in the direction of the city of Tripoli and the second branch network in the direction of the city of Benghazi.
The Zueitina Oil Company, this project has given utmost importance to ensure its implementation according to plans.
The company also has pursued opportunities for national cadres policy to contribute to this massive project to build a national cadres younger.

And radicle mentioning that scanned a presentation on the gas project has been presented at the joint meeting of the National Oil Corporation and Zueitina Oil Company which was held on Sunday, 02/07/2010

Read 6211 times Last modified on Monday, 18 July 2016 01:14
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